Clubfreedom, 6k4you and RT

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Deolu Akinyemi

I have received too many mails in the last few days from people asking me about 6k4you, Revolving Travel and Clubfreedom. How it works, what the boards are like, how to cycle fast, how many people they need to have under them, and trust my people, how much they need to invest to cycle out in one day or week?! People have also asked questions about how to pay? How come you are charging 24k, can I pay for myself? How come my down line is on a higher level than myself? How come someone with 30 people is higher than someone with 150 people down the line? How does this work, and how can I make the most of my membership?

I have answered numerous phone calls, and have decided it’s better to make the vital information available online, so that we can have an authoritative information on how CF, 6k4you and Revolving Travel (RT) works. It’s also better to put a system in place to ensure that we can manage what is about to come. I want to assure all that have joined and are actively working today, that not long from now, people you approached that told you they were not interested, will beg to join through you. Be rest assured that by then, anybody joining through this team will pay a a premium to join. Before you ask about the authority with which I speak, let me give you some basic statistics. As of today, 7 weeks after I joined clubfreedom from 6k4you, I have cycled once, 3 of my down lines are on traveler positions(tops, 1 week from cycling), I am also back to traveler position, I have >8 down lines on standby (tops, 2weeks), I have another >15 on planner, many more on reservation and too many to count on standby. Haven entered from 6k4you, I have two of my re-entry legs in planner positions, and others still coming up. I have a guy who’s less than 3weeks in, and is on standby, while his upline’s upline is still on the feeder board. It’s not just about having a village under you, it’s recruiting, training, marketing, strategy, team building, people management and business development. It’s multi functional and multitasking. You need to learn how it works.

6k4you/Clubfreedom/RT Basics

Primarily, Clubfreedom is a company that packages and markets vacation and travel opportunities for customers. With 1500+ resort centres around the world, they simply sell 7days vacations in their resorts. Some of these resorts are prestigious apartments, boat cruises, beach sides, e.t.c. Discovering that travel will only appeal to class A citizens, they decided to come up with a MLM program to enable low income earners to also make use of their resorts. To do this, $200 buys you a $150 certificate that entitles you to their resorts at wholesale prices and a $50 registration, which makes you a part of the club and gives you a slot on their marketers compensation board. When you enter this board, the last 8 slots will be empty. You are expected to introduce people who will also introduce others to these discounted travel certificates and the compensation program. Once the 8 slots are filled the board breaks. When the board breaks you either move up one level, move to the left, or jump one or two levels depending on how strong you are on the board. Strength on the board is a function of how many down lines you have (max 2), how close to the left you are, and how high up you are. If you want to understand the boards properly, you might again need to come for a seminar – Sundays 2, 3 and 4pm at the office address on this site. Either you pay N2,000 for yourself, or you pay N3000 to send two people to come for the training.

After a while that the CF program was developed, two programs were introduced, the Revolving Travel and 6k4you. RT is cheaper, 6k4you makes it a “pay it forward” system that is time bound. With the target of finding 2 people within 7 days, you are bound to get to the top in 6-10weeks. The main objective of everybody in 6k4you is to enter clubfreedom. What you need to do this, is two down lines that have 2 down liners each. Once everybody on your team have that focus, you’ll get to the top swiftly, and so will they.

Administration for sign-ups through me.

Many people ask why 24k, and if they can pay for themselves. The answer is, yes you can pay for yourself, and it’s 24k because $130 dollars is the price if you are using e-gold, and it’s $160 if a master card. The price of e-gold varies around N160 + or – to a $1, and e-gold is a bit volatile – you can loose your money if you slip. They are also in and out of court sessions, so you really want to be careful. Paying for you also means I can get to help you, send you down lines when I have and tips when you need it. I have someone that told me, any down line you see under my team, just pay for them, I’ll get the money across to you the same day. He’s currently one of the fastest moving people. I feel bad when I see people with loads of “pending” under them, I want to pay for them so they can quickly move into CF, but I’m not empowered to.

In order to make the process of people paying, and confirming their payments easy. Let’s follow the following easy process.

1. Sign up under your sponsor.. maybe, if you sign under me, I’ll assign you to a new sponsor since I have already sponsored two people. When you click join us and sign up, please go to your email immediately and validate by clicking on the link on the mail and clicking on confirm. This immediately makes you show on my 6k4you list and yours.

2. As soon as you sign up, go ahead and sign up two people under you. You can use your own username. You can sign up for them using your own email so you can validate for them. As soon as you validate for them, you can change all the details in their profile, except the username you chose for them. As soon as you confirm from your mail, they show under you immediately. Even they can do this before you get moved to a sponsor. You can build your chain before you now pay for all.
3. Once you have signed them up, go to my account in any of these First Inland Bank – Adeolu Akinyemi, Account Number: 08037228919. Or GTBank, Adeolu Akinyemi, Account Number: 223863354110.

4. As soon as you do, send a text to 0806 000 5440 indicating the name you paid with, and the usernames of the two down lines that you are paying for. Please try to ensure that the confirmation text is sent when the names to pay for exist. The best time to send this text is between 11am and 3pm. Please note that when you follow these procedures your down lines will be paid for within few minutes.

5. Sometimes you want to pay your 24k ahead of finding two people. Please make it clear in your text as well. This will mean if I have anybody that is a freebie, I can send to you and pay for the person since I already have your money. Be aware that you will have to manage this person, and from my experience it’s easier to motivate and encourage a down line that you know, than a stranger.

6. You can call 01-7941602 or 0806 000 5440 for quick enquiries, and if you really need to speak with me, you have my number. If you have big questions, plan to attend the Sunday seminars. You’ll find them extremely enlightening, and it’s a token fee of N2000 for yourself or if you choose to sponsor two people it’s N3000.


What makes my down line overtake me?

Can I control how the board breaks?

What other features can I use in Clubfreedom?

Can I buy a qualified slot?

What is the advantage and disadvantage of buying a CF slot?

How do I get the $6000?

All these and many more will be answered in on Sunday next week.

Well done and all the best.

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Are you earning enough passively to take care of your living expenses

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